Note: Upon purchase, customers will receive a digital voucher code for their Personalized Set of Rocks Cocktail Glasses. This code MUST be redeemed on Personalization Hub's website in order for them to add their customized text and font. Shipping NOT included.
Everyone appreciates a thoughtful gift. Personalization Hub is no different. They have curated a selection of the very finest gifts that even them would be thrilled to receive.
Personalized Set of Rocks Cocktail Glasses
Perfect for serving scotch or whiskey! These high-quality glasses have a heavy base for proper weight distribution. The etched logo adds a nice level of personalization class. Have one-on-one drinking sessions with your best bud, the best dad, or anyone who deserves a customized pair of rocks cocktail glasses.
2 cocktail rocks glasses. For serving/drinking scotch or whiskey
Heavy base. For proper weight distribution
Customizable. Click the redemption link to enter your customized text & font